Master Class (ACTP)
Dynamics of Deep Transformation
Tuning Into and Influencing the Life Patterns and Personal Epistemology of our Clients
Conversations on the Edge of Silence – Coaching Master Class: The Deep Foundations
– 15th Annual International Training –
– ICF Accredited Coach Training Programme (ACTP) –
At last, a true Master Class for Experienced Coaches, Therapists, Master Practitioners and Trainers of NLP – all those who are engaged in facilitating the growth and development of others
Peter Wrycza, PhD,
23 July – 9 August 2021,
Studenec Boutique Hotel Iva&Elena
4870 Smolyan, Smolyan, Bulgaria
+359 87 733 5633
Google Maps
‘The deepest order of change that human beings are capable of demonstrating is epistemological change. A change in epistemology means transforming one’s way of experiencing the world.’
– Bradford Keeney
• Bring your skills to a new level of integration and mastery
• Discover and enjoy your true nature
• Master the deep change process of ‘Re•Patterning’
• Apply the practical insights of Generative Patterning and Generative Dialogue in working with others
• Grow from Coach to Awakener
About this Coaching Master Class
This master class is for those who want to master the delicate art of Conversations on the Edge of Silence. As such, our programme has a triple focus. Participants learn to master the dynamics of deep transformation through Re•Patterning, while experiencing deep transformation in themselves. And this combined focus on developing skills while developing oneself, opens the way to accompany others both through formal Re•Patterning, and through artful, yet innocent, ‘Conversations on the Edge of Silence’ – doing less, while allowing more depth and insight to unfold.
Fourteen Training Days in Three Parts
Part One: Exploring the key personal patterns and worldview of clients (5 days)
Part Two: Tuning into the life patterns and primary life-assumptions of clients (5 days)
Part Three: Influencing the life patterns and personal epistemology of clients (4 days)
The roots of deep change are both mysterious and elusive. This coaching master class proposes that deep change in our lives involves a realignment in our way of being in the world. And this realignment naturally touches both body and mind, through gentle energetic release and updating of the deep unexamined assumptions behind our thoughts and actions.
An Holistic Approach – Four Key Elements
• Our approach is holistic. And so, as we tune into the deep connecting patterns, running through our lives, in both their strengths and weaknesses, we touch four interconnected elements:
• the cognitive tussles between opposing tendencies (Contraries) in our make up (Mind)
• energetic patterns in how body and mind work together in relation to self and others (Body)
• metaphoric and imaginative coding of how we interface with the world (Imagination)
• deep assumptions about who and what we are and how we are connected to this world (Epistemology)
The Fifth Element – Pure Awareness
Beyond these four key elements a crucial fifth factor situates and suffuses them – the sense of a Source or Self beyond our personal selves.
Tuning into the roots of selfhood, when we let go of boundaries, we discover, prior to all experience a primordial awareness, in which all that we know and are abides.
And when we open to this ground of our Being, we discover extraordinary creative possibilities, as our lives renew themselves easily and naturally.
As such, in this coaching master class, we learn how to
- assist the conflicting tensions in our make-up (Contraries) to become ‘Generative Complementarities’
- release the body’s constricting energetic correlates to our thinking
- enrich the key metaphors and images we use to define our world
- unpack and transcend the underlying assumptions that may once have been true, but no longer serve us
- and tune into that primordial creative awareness in which everything reflected resolves and realigns itself naturally
Meditation, Movement, and Innerdance
To support the personal growth, integration, and awakening needed for this deep work, our programme includes:
- Morning and evening group Awareness Meditation
- Evening sessions of Self-Unfolding Movement and innerdance to unwind and free blocked energy
Key Topics of this Coaching Master Class
- Situating this holistic approach in relation to coaching, counselling, and therapy
- How Re•Patterning fits into the flow of the overall work with clients – contracting and outcome agreements
- Patterns and patterning: key organizing principles of human experience
- Listening with the mind, the heart, and the body
- ‘Backing up’ and spiralling with the client through deeper levels of patterning
- Identifying the patterns connecting what works in our lives with what doesn’t
- Tuning in to deep life patterns, connecting surface expression to the core of being
- Opening to the field and holding the space in which core patterns can emerge
- Working with the patterns unfolding systemically in the coach-client relationship
- Key Elements of Core Patterns:
- Core Assertions (Beliefs) shaping our world
- Primary Polarities and their creative (and interfering) tension
- Energetic Biases – How core patterns are reflected in our body and its interaction with the world
- Root Presuppositions (Epistemological Confusions) cementing our strengths and limitations
- Connecting Metaphors the imaginative glue to our life experience
- Re•Patterning – Embracing and Unfolding the Pattern
- From problematic polarities to ‘Generative Complementarities’
- Supporting energetic balance, alignment, and vitality
- Transcending epistemological confusions to release new possibilities
- Enriching the metaphoric dimensions of core patterns for freedom and growth
- Resituating the client’s patterning in the unbounded potential of non-dual awareness
- Supporting a direction and commitment to further change, learning, and growth – in the direction of mastery
- ICF Core Competences and full certification through this coaching master class
A Typical Day:
- 08.00-09.00 Morning stretching, awareness meditation and energy work
- 09.00-10.00 Breakfast
- 10.00-14.00 Morning session
- 14.00-15.30 Lunch break
- 15.30-18.30 Afternoon session
- 18.30-19.00 Evening meditation
- 19.00-20.15 Evening meal/break
- 20.15-21.15 Evening movement and energy work (Ecstatic Dance, innerdance, authentic movement)
- Two free days, between Part One and Part Two, and between Part Two and Part Three
Arrival on site for 4pm on 14 July and departure after 11.00am on 31 July.
About this Year’s Venue
We will be holding our coaching master class in a charming and friendly boutique hotel, Iva and Elena in the Rhodoppi mountains, in the Smolyan district, a couple of hours from the lovely, ancient city of Plovdiv. The temperature is pleasant but not too hot, which is ideal for learning.
A bustling ski resort in winter, in summer it’s a peaceful setting with fine views of hills and mountains, a short walk opens to brisk hikes through woods filled with wild flowers. Lifts reveal spectacular panoramas and clear mountain air. Two days off give us a chance to explore nearby lakes and quiet trails.
Principal Trainer
Peter Wrycza, PhD, author, teacher, coach, and meditation guide, developer of Conversations on the Edge of Silence, the Deep Transformational Coaching model, and the Re•Patterning process.
What Previous Participants Said
‘Peter’s Dynamics programme is a gift to yourself. As a practitioner of NPL, you integrate all the fundamental elements of that discipline. As a coach or therapist, you get to discover and renew a pattern of functioning recurring in different contexts – a pattern that, while limiting you, is central to your talent. Peter, a gentle but firm teacher, leads you through a structured and precise process, with a lot of heart!’
– Gwendoline Respinger, Coach & Consultant, France
‘Re•Patterning lets you go to the heart of a recurring or interfering way of functioning, to embrace all its complexity, and to stimulate a gentle yet extremely deep change.
‘This coaching master class really gave me the possibility not only to learn about, but to experience Re•Patterning. You really need to experience it to gauge its power. I can clearly recognize the positive effects in me today.
Peter is an extraordinary teacher: intelligent, rigorous, mild, always respectful of the other, and highly spiritual.’
– Christine Antunes, Coach-Trainer, France

On top of the world – enjoying the forest and view on the day off
For Further Information:
About fees, etc.: Practicalities
About ICF Accreditation: ICF ACTP
Or Contact Us
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